How Do You Relax Your Lower Back Muscles


Tense back muscles contribute to the discomfort and pain you feel. This can make your life difficult especially if you are on the move constantly. Cold or heat, foam rolling, stretching, massage, and acupressure can be used to relax your back. One of the most effective ways of strengthening and relaxing your lower back is by engaging in exercises.

In this article, I will be highlighting a number of exercises you can engage in to relax your lower back. They include but are not limited to:



According to research, exercising increases the flow of blood to your lower back area. Bridges work on your gluteus maximus, the muscle is engaged when you move your hips especially when bending into a squat. The gluteus maximus is one of the most essential muscles in the body. Keeping it strong helps support your lower back.

Knee to chest stretches

This exercise helps to elongate the lower back. By doing this, you effectively relieve lower back pain and tension.


In order to have a good posture, you need strong back extensors. Back extensors are muscles that run on either side of your spine. When you have weak back extensor muscles you reduce your pelvic and spinal support. By navigate to this web-site, you will be able to learn details of the exercises you can do to relax your lower back.

Partial curls


This kind of exercise is plays an essential role in keeping your hips properly aligned, and supporting your spine. Weak abdominals lead to lack of stability, and poor core strength, which may cause lower back pain. Partial curls and curls help to build a strong core.


Engaging in exercises to work your core muscles helps to increase your flexibility, enhance your stability, and prevent injuries. If any of the above exercises worsen your state, it is advisable that you seek medical attention immediately.