Best Tips To Prepare For Music Competition

microphone in music competition

Knowing how to prepare for a music competition is essential for your overall success as an up-and-coming singer, and you will struggle to even get an invitation if you do not know how to properly prepare. There are a number of things that go into preparing to compete in a music competition and knowing how to do all of them properly is necessary if you want to have any shot at winning. This means knowing how to prepare for the type of competition that you are entering, how to prepare for the judges, and how to prepare for the timing aspect of things. Here are some of the best ways to prepare for any type of competition:

Understand the judges and their criteria.

All competitions are different, so the criteria given to singers can be very different. For a vocal competition, judges may be looking for certain factors, such as how well the singer sings and how quickly they can sing. For a musical competition, judges will be looking at more than just the quality of singing. They will be looking at how well the singer’s performance fits with the song and how well they can showcase their talents.

Practice your vocal cords.

The key to being able to compete in a competition is being able to hit those cords accurately and loudly. To help with this, practice a lot with a cold water voice coach, whilst also using a few popular song techniques. You will find that whilst competition judges are looking for things that can be identified as technical difficulties, most other people are looking for the human factor – if the audience can tell that you can sing then you can win.

One thing that many people struggle with when they enter music competitions is keeping their voices in great shape. This means working out your vocal cords, throat, and larynx, and working out any other parts of your voice that you may need to improve on. It’s very important to be vocal with your audition, so you’ll need to warm up by singing a few bars of a particular song. Practice some vocal techniques. Then spend a few minutes practicing how to properly hold the back of your head to ensure that your pitch is accurate and that you’re singing from the heart.

microphone in music competition

Get a voice coach.

Judges are looking for a certain way of speaking and presenting themselves, and your choice of clothing will often determine whether or not you get that judge’s attention. If you have got talent then it is worth investing a little money in getting professional lessons and practicing your singing.

Find out what kind of music is being played during a singing competition. Most competitions will play classic and contemporary music, but some will be looking for something more unusual. Have an idea of some songs you think would do well at your audition, even if you think you know how to sing, perform or talk about songs. Be prepared to show them a number of different versions of these songs, so that you can let the judges know which ones you are the most comfortable singing.

Have a good posture

It’s always important to have a good posture. Whether you’re going for a singing competition or a commercial good posture can make or break an audition. Make sure that your back, shoulders, and arms are all straight and relaxed. Also, try to ensure that you stand up straight with your hands on your hips and your chin up. This means that if the judges do notice you slouching, they will be able to see the strain in your facial muscles.

Practice your breathing and relax your body.

Both of these will help you when singing in a competition. When practicing, try to concentrate on the quality of your voice and not just trying to impress the judges. Concentrate on singing cleanly and with emotion. It will pay off when you go up against some of the other more talented singers in the contest.